Anton Zajac, Founder & CEO, IntellCRE

AI Tools Every Real Estate Pro Needs

Guest: Anton Zajac, IntellCRE

Curious about how AI will reshape real estate in the next five years?
Join me as I discuss with Anton Zajac, Founder and CEO of IntellCRE, the profound changes AI will bring.
Anton foresees a future where brokers and investors enjoy equal access to data and tools, leading to quicker deal cycles and better market timing.
However, he believes those with greater financial resources will still retain an edge.
Platform Features:
  • Data Consolidation: Integrates multiple data sources (sales comps, rent comps, property characteristics, transaction history).
  • Automated Underwriting: Uses AI to automate underwriting, income, and expense analysis.
  • Property Information & Market Analysis: Provides detailed property descriptions, area highlights, operational data, and tools for market research and comparisons.
  • Deal Finder & AI Chat Interface: Identifies and evaluates potential deals via an intuitive chat interface.
  • Document Handling & Customizable Reports: Extracts data from uploaded documents and generates tailored reports and marketing packages.
Use Benefits:
  • Efficiency & Speed: Reduces manual work, accelerates deal analysis and underwriting, enabling quicker, informed decisions.
  • Accuracy & Comprehensive Data: Enhances precision with AI-generated insights and extensive data access.
  • Scalability & Cost Savings: Supports handling more deals without additional hires, cutting operational costs.
  • Market Intelligence & User-Friendly: Identifies lucrative opportunities and market trends with advanced analytics and features an intuitive interface for easy navigation.



From Anton:


Why Should Real Estate Professionals Pay Attention to AI Today?
    • The 2021-2022 recession highlighted the need for automation.
    • AI tools can significantly reduce manual work, such as writing deal descriptions, which can take hours.
    • Using AI frees up time for higher-value tasks like client interactions and closing deals.
How Do You Use AI on a Daily Basis?
    • Team Communication:
      • AI functionalities within these tools help manage conversations, support tickets, and ideas.
      • Creates action plans and product roadmaps.
One Easy Win for Listeners to Try Using AI:
    • IntellCRE: Free trial available at
    • Alternative:
      • Chat GPT: Visit
      • Example use: Copy an email text, paste it into Chat GPT, and ask it to rewrite in a more concise or professional manner.

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